It was 2008 when we published a Guide on how to create an American App Store account useful for downloading free applications without necessarily having to add a credit card.
The procedure was quite long and complex. Fortunately, a lot of water has passed under the bridge and 15 years later the time has come to rewrite this guide. A lot has changed in this long period and fortunately now the procedure is very simple and fast.
How to Create a US Apple ID Account to Use on the App Store
The procedure can be performed from the computer but also directly from the iPhone, through the browser:
1. Let’s log in to the site > Create Your Apple ID.
2. Now fill in all the required fields: Name, Surname, date of birth and so on, paying attention to set the Country/Region to “United States” instead of “Italy” which will appear by default.
3. Also enter an email address and a password with a phone number. At the end of the procedure, you will receive an email with a code that must be entered on the site and then an SMS with another 6-digit code that must also be entered on the site.
4. Finish. You will have successfully created your American Apple ID account that you can use on the App Store to download applications that are not available in Italy.
How to log in to the App Store with an American Apple ID (other than the primary one)
To sign in to the App Store with your new U.S. Apple ID, follow these steps:
- Open the App Store app
- Click on your photo in the top right corner
- You will enter the Account section. Scroll to the bottom of the page (there will be a long list of recently updated applications or new updates available). It is important to scroll to the bottom of this page.
- Click the Exit button at the end.
- Now go back to the top of the same page again and you will find “Sign in with Apple ID“. Click and log in with the newly created data of your US Apple ID.
- From now on, you will be able to search for and install applications that are not available in Italy. To return to your main account, follow the same process but change your login details.

If you are asked for a physical American address to complete the download, then enter: Address: 7121 Beach Blvd – ZIP: 90620 – City: Buena Park – State: California – Phone: 714 735-7177